Conjuring Cultural Transformation
Mia Birdsong is a pathfinder and futurist who reconnects us with our forgotten wisdom and practices of
our collective liberation.
Mia Birdsong is rewriting what it means to get free. Blending scholarship, journalism, and cultural meaning-making, she does critical work to reconnect us with forgotten wisdom and train our attention on the ideas and practices we need to live in the world we know is possible. With her eyes on the future, Mia has spent decades interrogating false ideas and proposing new visions of who and how we can be with each other.
Mia’s Values
Current Projects
Past Projects
Frank Talk on
Freedom’s Revival
TED Talk Interview on
the Story of Poverty
TED Talk Interview with
BLM Founders
Mia in the Media
Mia and her work have been featured in:
Mia’s Lineage
Mia’s thinking and doing is shaped by a long lineage of movements and leaders who have come before her.

Who Mia Learns From
Mia’s work is part of a much larger community of practices and practitioners who are living into the future we want now. Here is an incomplete and evolving list of people who grow Mia’s imagination.